Lemmings for Windows

Lemmings for Windows
Producent i rok wydania:
DMA Design 1995
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(1.053 MB)
Zobacz także:
Lemmings3D Lemmings3D Lemmings WinterlandHoliday Lemmings 1993Holiday Lemmings 1994Lemmings 2: The TribesOh no! More LemmingsSave The LemmingsAll New World of LemmingsXmas Lemmings 1991Xmas Lemmings 1992Lemmings RevolutionLemmingsLemmings at WarLemmings Paintball

Ocena: ( 9 / 10 )

Głosów: 3 Pobrano: 93 razy.

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Info: Zawiera: Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings.
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